Thursday, February 10, 2022

EOTO Presentations

Every day we learn something new today in class we learned about the history of various different technology inventions. Some that we take for granted today once upon a time we actually a marvel when they were first invented. the 1.0 versions of technology do not age well, like most things, they have to be upgraded to meet the demand in changes. For example, the telegraph saved individuals so much time and money, and back then it was a marvel to have information travel across the country in such a short period of time. Now if a text message does not send within a minute we can become frustrated. The contrast between the before and after of those two inventions is drastic. 

    A few new things I learned from the various presentations I found interesting are as follows: the first text message was actually sent using SMS from a phone in the UK. I found the use of pagers particularly interesting, they were actually first used by the police and then adapted by hospital management. The reason they because so popular in emergency care is that they can be used in dead zones and all the messages on a mass page are sent and received at the same time. I found that particularly interesting because two different iPhones can send messages now and even though the quality of the phones might be identical they might send text messages at slightly different times because of connection strength. Also, connection to wi-fi or data is a must because without that they are almost useless. Pagers can send messages in dead zones which I think is fasinating. 

    Overall the EOTO presentations show that we can always learn and correct from history and we should never cease to stop investigating what made our "normal."

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Chinese Language Project

你们好, 我想写这个一篇文章,所以你们可以学习我的汉语学习之旅。我也想要我的未来的雇主可以知道我的知识水平。我一先开始学习中文在中学。我觉得很有意思了,特别写汉字。我的同学说了太难。我听说以后,我觉度我想学中文,所以我可以证明他们是错的。 我学中文了四年了,二年在中学,二年在大...